What is Enable Free Hand Tool?
The "Enable Free Hand Tool" lets you apply measurements in a freehand manner, ideal for very irregular shapes. Just a heads-up—it requires a steady hand! For circles or curves, consider using the "Curve Tool" for a more precise and efficient approach. To learn more about applying a curve, please review the Takeoff Hot Keys article.
How to use Enable Box Mode
Step 1: Choose the assembly or measurement you would like to begin. You must be in the process of applying the measurement to enable box mode.
Step 2: When you are ready go to "Tools" and select "Enable Free Hand Tool ".
Step 3: Left click and drag the measurement you want to trace . You will see the measurement take the shape of a square or rectangle. Simply release the mouse to stop the measurement
Step 4: Select "Stop"
Enable Free Hand Tool Pro Tips:
If you have ortho enabled, it will keep your box mode as a perfect square. Simply disable ortho to freely apply rectangular shapes.
You can use box mode on linear measurements. This is great for perimeter measurements!
You can couple box mode with the "Subtract From Area" tool. This allows you to subtract from area by clicking and dragging. This is perfect for elevation measurements wherein you need to remove windows, doors, etc. from the area measurement.